The Reformed Word – A Daily Devotional Podcast

Welcome to the web home of the Reformed Word. A daily devotional podcast from the perspective of the Reformed Tradition. Here we seek to celebrate the God’s call for justice, mercy and grace. We rejoice in the beauty of God’s diverse creation and believe that God loves each of us as if we are the only one to love. Therefore, everyone is welcome. If other Christian podcasts have made you seem less than welcome it is the goal of this podcast to have you find a place of acceptance and caring.

Each day we will spend time with scripture from both the Old and New Testament typically using the days Lectionary texts. Remind each other to spend time in prayer and meditation. And hear words from both those from the past and present that are meant to challenge and inspire us as we seek to reflect character of God in our own places.

We don’t promise answers, but we do promise to try our best to encourage one another and build each other up.

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